Friday, December 16, 2011

Say what? Reading...for pleasure?!

 Friday. My favorite day of the week has finally arrived. Time to mosey on over to Barnes and Noble's book club's Free Friday selection.
Ah, an adventure/historical tale. Not my cuppa.
Oh well, hit and miss ; ) Currently I'm in a state of chaos. I've got chicken defrosting on the stove that my golden retriever seems all too interested in, a to-do list that's growing by, what feels like, the minute, my basset hound howling in her sleep and my 14 month old daughter Rory trying to pull her pants off so that she can toddle around half naked while making faces at our Russian tortoise in his tank (not sure why she has to be sans pants while she does this, but o-kay). Anyway, what a sweet little girl helping her mommy with her Blog ; ) *Uh-oh, here come the naked pictures, lol.

Fridays. I love how crazy my Fridays can be. I love how crazy my life can be : ) The two cutest kids on the planet (well, of course I may be a little biased ; ), my ridiculously charming cute husband and I will be sitting down this evening to a delicious home cooked meal that I'll have slaved over for hours (so you better like it Cory!) as a family, laughing and joking about our day. Rory of course will try to join in by throwing corn or doing her fake, albeit, contagious laugh when she hears one of us laugh. Which will get Nathen (my 7yr old son) going with his insane noise that he considers to be laughing and not a duck honking desperately for it's life which will have us all in tears. From there we will more than likely watch Megamind.
 What's Megamind you say? Only the greatest animated movie, EVER. He's blue, he's evil, and he's predictable...  

Megamind:"PREDICTABLE? You call THIS predictable?"
If you haven't seen it, please do yourself a favor and sit down and watch it with your kids. If you don't have kids and you feel the need, borrow someone else's kids. You do not want to miss out on this movie.
Megamind: Could this be what I was destined for? A dream life filled with luxury?
[Metro Man's ship lands in a mansion, while Megamind's ship lands in a prison 
Megamind: Apparently not! Even fate chooses its favorites...
I think I've seen this movie more times than it would be considered healthy so take my word for it, a must see, hilarious!!!
 Ipads are ordered and should be here Monday or Tuesday. I cannot wait! I've been researching and have a list of 50 apps to load up right away, lol. I think what I'm most excited about though is trying out the two way cameras so I can video skype with my dad (silly dad lives all the way in Australia, which is hard) and I'm happy that this means he can see his grandchildren a little more often. We'll even get to Christmas Skype! Wait, Christmas is in 9 days?! This cannot be right... 9 days??? Expletive, expletive. <sigh> I'm starting to really f-ing hate to-do lists.
 What I am loving, is my to-read list which has grown a ridonkulous amount in a very short time! If you're on Goodreads check out my page and see if we have any common reading interests ; ) I've rated 231 books that I've read, listed 71 I still need to get, 726 to read and 2 that I'm currently reading. If you couldn't tell already, I LOVE to read! I try to read at least a book a day if not 2 or 3. There is no wonder that I have zero time for anything else other than my family, home responsibilities and the reading that I can fit in. I'm going to do my best to at least be on here once a week but will try to be more often. I think having a place to laugh, rant and conspire will be good for me... therapeutic even ; ) Well, time to get back to what I should have been doing for the last hour, cleaning and getting dinner stuff together. Until next time...


Sincerely Yours.

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